Monday, June 15, 2009

Raph And Mike Returns!

This image was a little homage to the Frank Miler´s classic The Dark Knigth Returns that I was planing to do in Tales #61. The script ask images of Raph and Mike posing and jumping like Batman and Robin and I told myself "I wait 20 years for this homage!" but in the same time, 20 years it´s a lot of time! Beyond that that pose was homaged to death for better artist than me :P
So, I changed in the last minute and I did my own thing.

Esta imagen iba a ser mi pequeño homenaje a The Dark Knigth Returns o El regreso del señor de la Noche como decia la versión española. El guion del Tales #61 tenia a Raph y Mike en poses muy Batman y Robin asi que dije "¡Espere 20 años para hacer este homenaje!" pero 20 años (o más) es mucho, ya fue. además ya lo hicieron tantos y mejor que yo. Cambié de idea en el ultimo minuto e hice lo mío.


Wednesday, June 03, 2009

My Upcoming Tales issue!

Tales of the TMNT #61

Available for pre-order in Diamond Comic Distributors' June catalog, "Previews" V19 #249

Ship Date: August 24, 2009

Format: 32 B&W pages, full color cover, standard size comic

Retail Price: $3.25

Cover art by Andres Ponce & Steve Lavigne; script by Tristan Jones, art by Andres Ponce

"Sometimes They Come Back" - Rising talent Andres Ponce (Firebirds, Noble Causes) and acclaimed writer Tristan Jones team together to bring you one of the most action packed comics of the year! Continuing on from the critically acclaimed "Tales of the TMNT" #56 and #59, the Turtles battle an enemy they never dreamed could create the chaos you'll find within this book! Gangs, robots, road rage, crazy Australian mercenaries, and as if that weren't enough... the long-awaited return of the malevolent MOUSERS! NOT. TO. BE. MISSED.
